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Why health insurance ≠ health care

Why health insurance ≠ health care

“My insurance company is so great! I just love calling them to get my medical bills paid for,” said no patient ever. Why health insurance doesn’t help you Have you ever wondered why, out of all the different areas in the service industry, health insurance is both the...
Add a Doctor to Your Family

Add a Doctor to Your Family

This picture was taken during John’s third year of residency. Our family was living in Jacksonville, FL, and during that year—not too long before this picture was taken, actually—I contracted appendicitis and had to have my appendix out. Elijah was 10 months...
The Power of Cooperative Movements

The Power of Cooperative Movements

Hikers without a Trail Several years, I found myself stranded in the middle of a 480-foot, exposed slickrock “trail” with my wife, four young kids and only a flashlight and a headlamp between the six of us. Oh, did I mention it was midnight? Well, it was....

What is Membership Medicine?

Transcription Dr. Sanders: Hi, Dr. Sanders of Voyage Direct Primary Care. Today I’m discussing, what is membership medicine? Voyage Direct Primary Care offers a subscription family medical service, it’s kind of like the Netflix of medicine. It’s a...