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Why do we need DPC?

It’s common for businesses to be a little confused by direct primary care benefits. It’s newer territory and it’s okay to have questions. Voyage DPC isn’t a replacement for coverage of catastrophic events. However, most insurance health plans...

The future of DPC

Medical care should be just that – CARE. And that’s exactly what the direct primary care model emphasizes. We’re thrilled to share that according to MedicalEconomics.com, direct primary care memberships are increasing around 36% annually and reached...

Direct primary care perks

Because direct primary care utilizes a membership/subscription model, patients can rely on paying a predictable amount for their monthly fee, allowing them to plan for medical expenses without worrying about pesky hidden fees. In addition to the financial benefits...

ADD/ADHD Workshop series: Week 4

Developing a still mind lifestyle can be life-changing. Are you ready for the journey? Join us Thursday, October 20 at 7 p.m. as we wrap up our latest FREE workshop series focused on taking a holistic approach to ADD/ADHD. 720 N 530 E, Orem, UT. Come discover how a...