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Covid Resources Page

Voyage Direct Primary Care physicians have managed and continue to manage numerous patients with proven or suspected COVID, from early mild cases to very severe. Our members have unprecedented access to their own physicians who help them navigate a wide range of medical concerns, including COVID.

If you are learning about our practice model, this personalized attention and direct access to your physician (phone, text, e-mail, video visit, or even home visits) is just one more reason you may want to find out if Voyage DPC is right for you.


If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID (fever, body aches, cough, loss of taste or smell, sore throat) or have been exposed (closer than 6 feet for greater than 15 minutes) you should be tested.

Rapid testing is available through our office at the discounted price of $35 for Voyage members. Members can schedule the test by calling the office. The regular price for non-members is $75 and can be scheduled here. Government sponsored testing is available — click here to find your local site.

We do not recommend the rapid antigen tests available at the drugstore. These tests accurately identify COVID in symptomatic individuals only 60% of the time. For individuals without symptoms, that number is a staggering 45%.



This is a newly approved treatment for recently diagnosed cases of COVID in higher risk individuals. These medications are given by IV infusion — the medication is taxpayer funded but the infusion and monitoring (performed at an infusion center) is either billed to your insurance company or by self-pay.     

If you have recently tested positive and Dr. Sanders or Dr. Mitchell has referred you to this page, click here to check if you are eligible for the monoclonal antibody treatment.


While there are not yet other medications proven to help with COVID, our physicians are knowledgeable about and experienced with alternative or off-label medications. 

We believe that some of these medications have prevented hospitalization for our patients. If you have any questions about these medications, we encourage you to speak with your doctor.

Covid Vaccine


The answer is not a simple “yes” or “no.” While you can find plenty of generalized recommendations regarding vaccination available, the choice to get vaccinated is personal and should be made on an individual level.

Voyage DPC physicians are happy to discuss our recommendations based on your personal health history and risk factors. This is true for all of our recommendations;  we take the time to help you make the healthcare decisions that are right for you.         


The vaccine is generally available to those 12+ years of age at most pharmacies on a scheduled or walk-in basis, paid for by your tax dollars without any additional cost.